SMS Marketing: How it’s Improved Brick and Mortar Stores

When it comes to marketing, SMS (short message service) has become an increasingly popular way for businesses to reach out to customers. In fact, SMS marketing has been shown to be particularly effective for brick and mortar stores. In this blog post, we’ll explore how SMS marketing has improved brick and mortar stores and why you might want to consider using it for your own business.

What is SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing is a type of marketing that involves sending text messages to customers’ mobile phones. These messages can be promotional in nature, such as announcing a sale or offering a discount code, or they can be informational, such as reminding customers about an upcoming event or providing updates on new products.

Why is SMS Marketing Effective for Brick and Mortar Stores?

SMS marketing has a number of benefits that make it particularly effective for brick and mortar stores. Here are just a few of the reasons why:

  1. High Open Rates: One of the biggest advantages of SMS marketing is that text messages have a very high open rate. According to some estimates, as many as 98% of text messages are opened and read within a few minutes of being received. This makes SMS marketing an effective way to get your message in front of customers.
  2. Timely Delivery: Text messages are delivered instantly, which means you can use SMS marketing to reach customers with time-sensitive messages. For example, if you’re having a flash sale or a limited-time promotion, you can use SMS marketing to let customers know about it quickly.
  3. Personalization: SMS marketing allows you to send personalized messages to customers based on their preferences and behaviors. This can help you build stronger relationships with your customers and increase the likelihood that they’ll make a purchase.
  4. Easy Opt-In: Opting in to receive text messages is usually very easy for customers. They can simply send a text message or fill out a form on your website to start receiving your messages. This makes SMS marketing a low-friction way to reach customers.
  5. Cost-Effective: SMS marketing can be a very cost-effective way to reach customers. Text messages are relatively inexpensive to send, and you can often use an SMS marketing platform to manage your campaigns for a low monthly fee.

How Can Brick and Mortar Stores Use SMS Marketing?

There are many different ways that brick and mortar stores can use SMS marketing to improve their business. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Promote Sales and Discounts: Use SMS marketing to promote sales and discounts to your customers. For example, you might send a text message announcing a one-day sale or offering a discount code to customers who opt in to receive your messages.
  2. Share New Product Announcements: Use SMS marketing to share new product announcements with your customers. This can help you generate excitement and interest in your new products.
  3. Offer Rewards and Loyalty Programs: Use SMS marketing to offer rewards and loyalty programs to your customers. For example, you might offer a discount to customers who make a certain number of purchases or who refer friends to your store.
  4. Send Reminders: Use SMS marketing to send reminders to customers about upcoming events or promotions. For example, you might send a text message reminding customers about a flash sale or a special event you’re hosting in your store.
  5. Provide Customer Service: Use SMS marketing to provide customer service to your customers. For example, you might allow customers to text a customer service number to get help with a question or problem they’re having.


SMS marketing can be a powerful tool for brick and mortar stores looking to improve their business. With high open rates, timely delivery, personalization, easy opt-in, and cost-effectiveness, SMS marketing is an effective way to reach customers and build stronger relationships

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