
Basic Package Includes:
$1000.00 / Month

  • Dedicated OutrightSMS Marketing Manager
  • Unlimited SMS and MMS Messages Per Month
  • Monthly OutrightSMS Marketing Meeting
  • Up to 4 One-Off Marketing Messages per Month
  • Unique QR code page for signup
  • 3 Schedule-based marketing campaigns per month
  • FREE opt-in campaign for existing SMS lists (uploaded lists)
  • Marketing List Upload up to 1000 contacts.

Intermediate Package Includes:
$1500.00 / Month

  • All Basic Package Features
  • Response Code Capabilities
  • 10 One-Off Marketing Messages Per Month
  • 5 Schedule-based marketing campaigns per month
  • 1 AutoSMS campaign (triggered by new signups)
  • Social Media Integrations (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook available) for additional one time fee.

Unlimited Package Includes:
$2000.00 / Month

  • All Basic and Intermediate Package Features
  • Unlimited One-off Marketing Messages
  • Unlimited Schedule-based marketing campaigns
  • Unlimited AutoSMS campaigns
  • White Label Services
  • Custom Integrations

Add on’s
If you would like to send text content to other platforms automatically, we can set up custom integration on you behalf. These are configurable, in other words, you don’t have to repeat message that go out on OutrightSMS on other platforms such as Instagram.

  • Instagram Integration – One Time fee of $800.00
  • Twitter Integration – One Time fee of $800.00
  • Facebook Integration – One Time fee of $1000.00

Custom Integrations

Custom integrations can be programmed by our team of developers.  Examples of this could be a custom script where a Patron of your business receives an SMS message and unsubscribes… Then we could send another SMS message asking if they would like to unsubscribe from the email marketing as well.  They could then respond with “YES” or “NO” and we could flag as indicated in an email marketing service.

$200 / Hour

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